
16 is not for the fainthearted because from 15 you have departed, and guess what? You’re only getting started! Happy Sweet 16!

You will have many opportunities to demonstrate your maturity as a near-adult, but why waste your childhood on that? Happy 16 B’day!

Kiss ‘spin the bottle’ goodbye and give a warm welcome to dating! And maybe even your driver’s license! Doesn’t 16 sound great?

Explaining life to a 16-year-old is as practical as bathing a fish, so I’ll spare you the sappy advice. Just have fun on your birthday.

I have two tips for you on your 16th birthday. One: forget the past because you can’t change it. Two: forget the gift because I didn’t get you one. Kidding! Happy birthday!

Being 16 is wonderful because you can conveniently act grown up and dumb as when you need to. Enjoy this phase of life while you have it. Happy Birthday.