
Failure Is never final where love exists. – Alistair Begg

Forgetting you, I tried but I failed, somehow your scent and your face forever In my heart are engraved.

Keep searching for that special someone who makes you smile at every little thing.

The hardest part Is waking up In the morning, remembering what you were trying to forget last night.

Waiting Is painful. Forgetting Is painful. But not knowing which to do Is the worse kind of suffering.

Just because we don’t talk doesn’t mean I don’t think about you, I’m just trying to distance myself coz I know I can’t have you!

Never settle for being someone’s other when you have the potential to be someone’s only.

Nothing last anymore.

Seeing you loving someone else Is the hardest thing.

It Is painful to let you go, but It Is harder to hold on to you.

Relationship never dies a natural death.. they are murdered by ego, attitude and Ignorance…