In the morning I will sing of your love. Psalm 59:16, NIV
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN.Lord God, as the day opens up another opportunity for us to work out our duty to you and to our fellow human being, we offer you our plans and hopes of today.Provide, Lord, for our needs, for our food and drink.We also ask for the needed strength and intelligence to be used for our work and leisure.As we tread the outside world, we are aware that danger hangs in every place.Without Your protection, we are threatened to be caught by surprise into these traps of misfortune. Keep us safe, Lord.Be with Your people, Lord, and guide us through the daytime hours.AMEN.
Lord, thank You for the gift of today. Thank You for guarding and keeping through the night.
We offer you this whole day and whole week, Lord. Provide for us, direct us to the path that pleases you. Make us fulfill our duties for you and for our neighbor. As we now ready ourselves for the challenges of the day, be with us, O Lord. AMEN.