May you feel all the love and joy I have for you throughout this festive season and all year round. Having you as my friend brings me great joy. Merry Christmas.
Smile even If It hurts and have a merry Christmas.
I hear It’s offensive to say Merry Christmas? Well If It bothers you then… Merry Christmas and Merry Christmas again!
It’s always a pleasure always a pleasure to work with you! Merry Christmas!
Snowball, I made myself a snowball, as perfect as could be, I thought I’d keep It as a pet and let It sleep with me. Made It some pajamas, and a pillow for its head, then last night It ran away, but first- It wet the bed! – Shel Silverstein.
I only want one Christmas gift It’s the only Christmas wish I’ve wished I just want to know all the names of the girls on the naughty list…;) Merry Christmas.