
May your birthday be as bright as the sunniest day in summer!

Happy birthday to the most beautiful girl in the world (heck, in the universe).

Cutie pie, you make our hearts sing with joy. May your birthday and every day afterward be a song of love, joy and beauty.

To us and everyone you know, you are the most precious of gifts. Happy birthday, our gift of love.

Have an incredibly wonderful birthday, our sweet little angel. We love you more than we could ever express!

Happy birthday to our absolute favorite (and only) daughter in the whole wide world. We love you more than our words can say!

Your birthday is indeed the most special day of the year, simply because it’s the day you came into lives and sent us to the moon!

On your birthday, honey pie, I want to wish you a lifetime of happiness.

Wishing the happiest of birthdays to our beloved, beautiful daughter!